Mother of Learning Wiki


Zorian is woken up by his sister Kirielle jumping on him. After a short conversation Kirielle runs into and locks Zorian out of the bathroom. Zorian collects (Some stolen items under Kiri's bed) and packs his items. Zorian and his mother talk while he eats breakfast. Ilsa arrives and apologizes for getting to Zorian so soon before school starts. Makes him open a scroll with his mana to choose his electives and mentor. The only available mentor is Xvim Chao who is "widely agreed upon as the worst mentor you could possibly get". He picks 3 electives.

Zorian and Fortov board the train to Cyoria. Zorian arrives at Cyoria. He stops at a bakery to get some bread, and helps a girl get her bike from the river. He arrives at the academy in the rain, the academy has a waterproof barrier, a newly paved path and various other improvements. He gets his room and other administrative paperwork sorted and then goes to his room and sleeps.

Characters Appearing or Mentioned[]


Magic Used/Mentioned[]

  • "Heat Water" - A modified version used by Zorian to heat up his cold porridge.
  • Zorian channeled some mana into a sealed scroll to split the seal in half, and also channeled mana into the key he received for his room at the Academy.
  • Train Wards - "The train is warded to disrupt mana shaping. They had problems with people starting fires and vandalizing compartments."
  • "Spook Animals" - Mentioned, deemed ineffective against magical creatures.
  • "Levitate Object" - Used by Zorian to lift a girl's bicycle out of the river.
  • Mana Shaping - Levitation - Used mana shaping to levitate an apple.
  • Rain Protection Barrier - An Academy Ward protecting it from only rain.

Places Mentioned[]


  • Zorian's Home in Cirin
  • Town Market in Cirin (Mentioned)
  • Train Station in Cirin
  • Church in Cirin. (Mentioned)


  • Cyoria's Royal Academy of Magical Arts
  • Fortov's Apartment in Cyoria (Mentioned)
  • The Great Northern Forest (Mentioned)
  • Train Station in Cyoria
  • Bakery near Train Station
  • The Hole - A rank 9 mana well, and entrance to the dungeon.
  • Zorian's Academy Housing - Room 115
  • Academy's Administration Building
  • Academy Library (Mentioned)


Other Items and Terms[]

  • Strange Key - Used to unlock his door to his room at the academy. Requires the user to channel mana into it, and his door's lock is keyed to his mana signature.
  • Badge of Certification - Given to certified 1st Circle Mages. The school can hold onto Zorian's until he graduates.
  • Mana: "It's what powers magic - the energy, the power, that a mage shapes into a magical effect." - Zorian
  • Zorian's Waterproof Bag